There are so many benefits from dance, we could write a list that goes on and on….but here are a few!
Danced London Studio Website
There’s one more benefit we see at Dance Force.
Many of our students go on to become school leaders and have great school experiences.
We believe that’s because dancing makes them confident, self-disciplined and unafraid to stand up and participate.
Don’t worry! We have put a great deal of thought into our on-boarding process, so you’re welcomed before you even set foot in the door.
You’ll be sent an email that sets everything out, where to go, what happens, even a picture of our staff. There’s also printable information that can go on your fridge.
And when you get here, you’ll be looked after straight away.
It’s super important to us that your child doesn’t feel abandoned or scared, so we make sure they’re comfortable and supported.
Of course! Your child is an individual and is always treated as such. Many of our dancers do more than one class a week, but that’s because they want to. Your child will never be pressured into doing more than they want to do.
We love having parents and carers come along and join in with the littlies. As they get older, parents are welcome to stay as long as it takes for their child to be comfortable. Once the students are older and more independent, we prefer that you drop them off.
Your child will need to wear a uniform. This is what we’ve found:
Uniforms are available at Dance Force. We’ll tell you how it works when you enroll – or just give us a call.
Our term fees are due by Week Three of the Term.
All the information you need is in the Parent Portal.
Feel free to call between 9am to 5pm.
Come visit us in the studio weekdays 3pm to 6pm.