We dance. We have fun. We belong.

Join the Dance Force Family!

Make your dancing dreams come true

Discover the community-oriented dance school that balances skills and fun while leaving lasting smiles with all who dance with us.

We look after and treasure our little people who then stay with us until they are talented young adults. Whatever your child’s age, we will encourage them, support them and help them blossom and bloom.

Dance Force has studios in both Gatton and Toowoomba in Queensland, Australia.

Join us for Term 1, 2025

Sign up for your dance session here!

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This is what our families say

Parent Portal

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Or find out what classes are on, where, and when?

Just use the Dance Force Portal

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by Danny Summers 5 July 2021
Why do we offer CSTD as our syllabus of choice?
by Danny Summers 17 June 2021
When you can't get them moving, maybe WE can?!
by Dance Force 2 June 2021
Think you know the average dancer? You'd be surprised how much "common knowledge" about dancers, simply isn't true!

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Dance Force


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