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How can dance benefit your Tween or Teen?

Danny Summers • 17 June 2021

When you can't get them moving, maybe WE can?!

One thing we hear constantly, is how 'dancing kids' are thriving kids!

Whether it be in their schools or extra-curricular environments, dancing kids are developing habits that set them up beyond the studio walls.

Where many tweens, teens or young adults would much prefer to live a sedentary lifestyle, dancing kids are constantly in touch with their own bodies. With an increased average fitness level and regular scheduled exercise on the "pros" list, we really have little argument as to why dance could ever be a poor choice!

For an age group sometimes lacking in self-confidence, dance is the perfect activity to give tweens and teens faith in their own abilities. There is always ample opportunity to celebrate small and big wins in classes and performances. Teachers (particularly those at Dance Force!) will consistently find ways to encourage and acknowledge these progressions as they arise in order to see each dancer develop. Dance is actually really hard! - therefore builds skills in resilience and determination. Though, alongside the few serves of humble pie come waves of self-esteem assurance. These skills can translate into better grades at school, ample management of peer pressure and the ability to regulate emotions... Sounds like a dream right?!

Dancing requires the use of multiple parts of the brain simultaneously, and thus stimulates these regions as they're called upon. Music stimulates the brain's rewards centres and dance/movement makes good use of the sensory and motor circuits. An increase in the brain's agility can translate into heightened intelligence, reaction time and attention span!

The friendships made at dance are for life. Both individual commitment and teamwork help to build bonds that rival those between olympians and professional sportspeople! The magic of dance is more than enough to bring us together, but it's our passion that keeps us moving as one. Dance is perfect to celebrate our similarities and differences in a beautifully safe and expressive space. Let's give our kids a platform to find their strengths and work to achieve the next goal they set for themselves!

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