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Why do we offer exams?

Dance Force • 26 May 2021

Although not compulsory, here are some benefits your child may reap from completing dance exams in our various syllabi

CSTD Exams are not compulsory and, in fact, your child can progress all the way to a career in dance without ever doing an exam. But we strongly suggest you consider an exam for your child, and here’s why:


Most of us work more diligently when we have a clear goal in mind - children and adults alike! It is harder to work simply for the sake of it. When students have a reward or result to work towards, they tend to try their best and practice more autonomously.


Exams aren't meant to be easy and it is possible to fail (albeit very unlikely with the preparation we do at Dance Force). The exam room can be an emotionally demanding environment that pushes your child to perform on command and exhibit their physical endurance. THIS IS NOT A BAD THING!

How many opportunities are presented our kids to flex their resilience muscles?

... Sadly, fewer and fewer!

We are living in an age of offering so-called "challenges" that are barely out of reach. Success is perceived as 'never far-away' and doing just the bare-minimum is constantly rewarded. Exams offer a SAFE environment to perform under pressure in front of someone your child has never met. Students' confidence inevitably improves, as does their faith in their abilities.


As part of the exam preparation process, your child will receive constant and personalised feedback in order to progress and improve. Teaching your child to absorb and respond to this feedback appropriately is one way Dance Force can contribute to a student's "life skillset". Constructive criticism is everywhere in life, and it's nothing to be scared of, or feel down about! Responding appropriately and constructively to feedback will help in school and professional environments.

One way we like look at feedback/constructive criticism -

As teachers we are giving feedback where there is more ability and more aptitude to be harnessed. Our students know that if they are being critiqued, it's because there's more in their tank to give - and THAT'S A GREAT THING!


We love your kids and we watch them each and every day as they strive to become their best. However, at the end the day, we know them too well!

An exam is a great opportunity to have your child assessed by a complete outsider. Examiners are trained to report purely on the criteria outlined in the syllabus, without taking personalities or predispositions into account. Without knowing these individual intricacies, an examiner can provide unbiased comments and grading.


To summarise, we believe trying your best in your exam matters, not the mark!

Showcasing your diligent preparation and commitment makes us proud!

In the process of exam preparation your child learns to:

  • Work hard towards a goal
  • Absorb feedback constructively
  • Perform under pressure
  • Remember long sequences of steps
  • Apply corrections

Imagine how equipped and well-rounded your child will be with these skills!

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