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Danny Summers • 24 March 2021

We’re super proud of our annual Christmas Wish concert.

It’s an event that brings our love of creativity and community together. Our students and teachers script the whole show, design the costumes, figure out the choreography and pour their heart and soul into entertaining you.

Not only that, but we fundraise for the Toowoomba Hospital Foundation too. Not just from ticket sales, but from raffles, sponsorships and other fundraisers. Our whole community gets behind this.

Last year, we raised over $12,000 for the Toowoomba Hospital Foundation. 

You’re invited to get involved with next one - Saturday the 27th of November 2021 at the Empire Theatre.

Let’s see if we can beat last year’s excellent achievement! 

A Christmas Wish is proudly brought to you by Fuji Xerox Business Centre.

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